Our Complex Care Services
Complex Care
Our specialism at ICCM is delivering complex healthcare at home. Our care staff and Personal Assistants have backgrounds in a range of care specialisms, including:
- Critical care
- Spinal cord injuries
- Neurological issues
- Community nursing
- Domiciliary ventilation
Our wealth of experience encompasses the care for clients who require clinical interventions in their own homes. These include tracheostomy care, gastric feeding, invasive bowel management and urinary catheterisation. We understand the importance of training and on-going support to ensure the well-being and safety of both our staff and clients.
High-dependency training courses and hands-on competency assessments underpin our care delivery. Our in-house Registered Nurses sign-off each assessment individually, and our Personal Assistants follow comprehensive care plans. Every plan is undertaken and consented to with you. We also have written clinical guidelines for all clinical procedures which we attach to the care plan in your home.
AT ICCM, our live-in service offers clients 24/7 around-the-clock specialist care in the security and comfort of their own home. Our tailor-made care packages, bespoke to each client, help enable clients to maintain their independence and self-reliance while focusing on promoting a client’s choice and capacity to make decisions relating to their own care; an important part in helping a person in care maintain their dignity and self-respect.
Our live-in care personal assistants offer companionship and familiarity to our clients as well as support with the highest level of personal care, administration of medication, house hold chores and meal preparation together with keeping up with hobbies, interests and help on social outings. It’s of vital importance to us that our personal assistants not only aid in tending to day-to-day activities but are a friend and welcome face for our clients, too.
Paediatric & Young People
We provide highly-specialised support for children and young people with complex healthcare requirements. Your child’s support starts when one of our Registered Nurses makes an initial assessment of their needs. They’ll work with you to encompass all aspects of your child’s health, social and educational requirements.
We aspire to provide holistic care, working with you using a family-centred approach. We value and respect the roles that parents, siblings and other family members have to play in your child’s overall well-being, too.
Each of our Personal Assistants receives training in first aid, including paediatric resuscitation of babies and infants. And all competency training is specific to your child, helping us to support your child in their location of discharge or home. We also work with qualified Paediatric Nurses to make sure clinical guidelines are in place, and adhered to, for all procedures.
Spinal Cord Injuries
Our teams at ICCM offer a wealth of experience in complex care, supporting clients with varying degrees, and types, of spinal cord injury (SCI).
Life post-injury is undoubtedly different. However, our primary aim is to promote independent living and aid you in leading as normal a life as you can. From in-home care services, to support while on holiday – we work to allow the greatest autonomy possible while providing crucial assistance and care.
We will build a support package package bespoke to you and your situation. Our SCI support includes hand-picking care assistants who are trained in meeting your needs from the outset.
What is a spinal cord injury?
Spinal cord damage can range in severity but, for the most part, results from accident, injury or disease. Affecting vital nerves running from the brain throughout the rest of the body, SCI can:
- Reduce mobility
- Affect the ability to feel pressure or sensations
- Impact autonomic functions like breathing, blood pressure, bladder and bowel movements
However, spinal cord damage, and symptoms will vary between individuals, even if injuries might be to the same spinal areas. As a result, we have an intricate understanding of the differing care, and management required to suit each client’s individual requirements.
Contact ICCM for further information on spinal cord injuries and how we can assist with care for you or a loved one.
Commonly misunderstood, epilepsy is not a single condition but rather a collective group of differing ‘epilepsies’ with one thing in common; a tendency to have unprovoked, reoccurring seizures involving abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
Anyone can develop epilepsy at any time of life. It happens in people of all ages, races and social classes. According to a study undertaken by the Epilepsy Society, around 2% of people in the UK still believe that epilepsy is caused by a possession of evil spirits. Additionally, 75% of people would call an ambulance if they witnessed a seizure rather than attempt first aid.
At ICCM, we ensure all of our care staff are trained to provide first aid for any epileptic seizures experienced in clients. By promoting independent living, our care staff provide support to help keep clients as safe as possible when they’re in the midst of an epileptic seizure.
Considering that all seizures may differ, we work with clients and their doctors to understand comprehensively what care and support is required based on individual circumstances. ICCM will always work to ensure that care staff meet each client’s needs as well as adhering to all national guidance and regulations.
Acquired Brain Injury
At ICCM, we deliver specialist complex care services to individuals who’ve sustained an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). We can provide support for any number of causes, including an accident, tumour or stroke.
We understand the impact an ABI can have on both clients and their families. ABIs have far-reaching implications, from general day-to-day activities to more complicated decision-making processes. As a client, our care staff and Personal Assistants are hand-picked to meet your individual needs. We’ll also work with any specialists that are involved in your care, along with offering tailored care packages.
A key element in our client-centred approach is to maintain close relationships with our you from the very start. This way we can adjust to your changing perspectives and expectations in the most meaningful way. We work to support your family and friends, too, by acknowledging and respecting the importance they play in your life.
With ICCM, it’s vital our clients with ABIs remain supported in making safe decisions throughout the day. We do this while helping you to live as independently as possible. Many of our clients with ABIs may not appear to have any level of injury, or at least any injury that can be seen, and it’s our aim to keep it that way.
We believe structure and goal-setting to be crucial in ensuring the best possible outcomes for clients with an ABI. These form a vital part of the training for our staff and Personal Assistants. We know that training, on-going support and supervision for our care staff, by dedicated professionals, is vital to promoting staff retention. This provides stability and continuity for all our clients.
We also work in partnership with external multi-disciplinary professionals involved with your care as part of an holistic approach. For example, we engage with Case Managers, Occupational Therapists and Clinical Psychologists.
Motor Neurone Disease
An uncommon condition mostly effecting people in their 60s and 70s, motor neurone disease (MND) leads to gradual weakness over time and is ultimately life-threatening.
As debilitating as MND can be, at ICCM we believe that life does not stop with such a diagnosis. We have significant experience supporting MND clients, and we help you live to the fullest. We’ll also provide assurance to your family, friends and loved ones that you are receiving the vital care and support you need. Over the years, we have even gone so far as to help one of our clients see her favourite artist, Cliff Richard, live in concert.
As the condition progresses, our Personal Assistants progress with you. Staff training and skills adapt to continue to meet each of our individual clients’ needs as their journey with MND continues.
As a client, or even family member, our care staff will provide support as required. That could be by helping with hospital visits, assisting with shopping, chores around the house or even just sitting and talking. ICCM is here to help you live every day to its best.
Learning Disabilities
Having specialist care support needs should not prevent you from taking full advantage of everything life has to offer. At ICCM, we provide support to help people with learning disabilities to lead independent and active lives. Whether you live with family, in your own home or in a supported living setting – we’re here for you.
We support dozens of people with learning disabilities to maximise their independence. Using a person-centred approach, we’ll enable you to make as many of your own choices as you can. We also work hard to ensure that where our support staff need to make choices on your behalf, they’ll do so in the your best interests.
We see the person before the disability, even where a client’s behaviour is challenging. This includes giving our care staff extensive training to support behaviour that is difficult to manage. Above all else, we always put the rights, dignity and safety of our clients and customers first.
We understand every person is different, so we always adhere to our principles of empowerment and being person-centred. That’s whether we’re providing sensory stimulation to a profoundly disabled client, or supporting a young adult to get set-up independently in their new home. We make a real difference to every individual we support and focusing on achievable aspirations and goals.
Importantly, we take special care to ensure that we match the right Personal Assistant with the right client. We’re always looking to build a relationship centred on trust and companionship.
More than 850,000 Britons currently live with dementia, and this number is set to rise as the population ages. Dementia forms an umbrella term, comprising a range of progressive conditions affecting brain functionality. There are more than 200 recognised sub-types of dementia, with the five most common being:
- Alzheimer’s
- Vascular dementia
- Dementia with Lewy bodies
- Frontotemporal dementia
- Mixed dementia
Dementia ultimately impacts a person’s cognitive functioning, affecting memory, reasoning and even the ability to talk. But, regardless of your loved one’s dementia diagnosis, their experiences will be particular to them.
Our team can support dementia, as either a primary condition or a secondary issue, in varying stages of severity. Each of our clients requires a different level of support, so we tailor your loved one’s care to their individual needs and requirements. We’ll even handpick a selection of carers that are specifically-trained to ensure continuity of care, dignity and comfort.
Many people worry that when they’re diagnosed with dementia, they’ll be forced into a live-in care environment and leave the place they know as home. It is our key aim to provide continued support to your loved one, in their own home, in an environment they feel safe and happy in.
Genetic Disorders
As a broader category, genetic disorders in children comprise many conditions and diseases. These can include birth defects, developmental problems, chronic diseases, and sensory deficits inherited from one, or both, parents.
At ICCM, our Specialist Paediatric Nurse team are well-versed in a wide range of disorders. Our experience extends to complex and multifaceted conditions. We’ll not only support the physical needs your child may have, but also the emotional difficulties faced by you and your family, too.
Our support services extend from childhood to adulthood if need be. Our care staff receive specialist training, and are there to support both clients and their families for as long as they need.