ICCM Company news
Our recent CQC inspection was a huge success with the company being awarded a ‘Good’ rating. A big thank you and well done to everyone in the #ICCMDreamTeam, we couldn’t have achieved this without each and every one of you!
Client visit
Last month we had a visit from one of our clients, Ben, who came in to have a chat to some of our course candidates and our staff in the office in order to raise awareness of Ben’s needs and how we can support him further with all aspects of his care. It was great to hear some feedback on how we can improve our services and also awesome to meet Ben in person. Thanks for coming in!
City & County Care Hero Awards
We had some nominations at City & County’s Care Heroes Awards this year. Congratulations to GN’s Support Team & OF’s Support Team who were nominated for the ‘Care Team Award’. Another congratulations to Sadie Harding who was not only nominated but won the award for ‘Specialist Care or Support Worker Award’!
Client achievements
Some more great photos from Susanna Nelson and one of her PA’s Viola Fechete, they both were enjoying a spot of indoor sky diving last bank holiday! Thanks for the photos Susanna!
Brave the Shave
As some of you may already be aware, one of our awesome Care Managers, Carol, is braving the shave this year to raise funds in aide of MacMillan Cancer Support.
Carol is a seasoned charity fund raiser and last year she ran the London Marathon for children with cancer. This year, however, she has decided to make MacMillan the beneficiary of their efforts on Saturday 17th August, when her daughter, aged eight and also a survivor, will shave her mum’s head!
Should you wish to sponsor Carol, please head on over to https://bravetheshave.macmillan.org.uk/shavers/carol-henson to donate.
A Day in the Life…
We have another ‘Day in the Life..’ for you from another one of our brilliant Care Assistants – Alina Dimache.
“Good morning your highness! Time to get up!” I add a bonus – a big smile. My shift started!
I am working with one of my favourite clients today. I served a nice cup of tea, strong how he likes it, no sugar and just a little milk. I then draw the curtains and let in the beautiful morning light that tickles Frank’s face, he really enjoys that…
We have a busy day today. Soon we will start our morning routine, a nice shower, a light breakfast with some yoghurt and fruits, ready to go out after. Frank had an appointment today with his doctor. He had an operation three weeks ago, a stone was removed from his bladder and he needs to have a check-up today. A few minutes later, I transferred Frank into the car and we start our journey on M4 for 45 minutes to a hospital in London.
Busy city, very active, unique…
Just in time to visit the doctor. After a thorough check the Doctor states everything is OK. We leave the hospital and enjoy a nice cup of tea in a terrace pub in London, a few meters down from the hospital. Frank likes to socialise with people, he enjoys city life and pubs. He has got a lot of friends, one of which we will visit today on the way home. So we follow our route back and make a stop over to a shop. Frank wants to get some chocolate and some biscuits for his friend. We do our shopping and drive to Howie’s house. 30 minutes after, we’ve been welcomed by Howie and his family. We both enjoyed having a chat with them outside in a beautiful garden for more than an hour.
We’re home. Time for medication and prepare dinner. Frank isn’t great at cooking but he really likes to help me when I start to prepare meals. So even though he is a wheelchair user he is a very active person. Frank cleaned the veg and cut them into small pieces for salad, prepared the meat and he sometimes starts to wash the plates if necessary until I finish preparing the food and laid the table. After a nice dinner, Frank gets in touch with his family on the phone. Sometime he likes to stay in the garden and enjoy the sunset with a nice cup of tea. If he is not tired, later on he likes to end his evening with a movie or with some nice old classic music.
“Time for your highness to go to bed!” and I of course add a big smile. It’s mandatory in this profession! I’ve finished my shift! Enjoying every day working with people! Mission completed!
**All names have been changed for confidentiality and data protection**
If you want your ‘A Day in the Life’ included in next quarter’s newsletter, please email it to josie.westbury@iccmcares.co.uk